How We Can Help

It is the goal of Moody Bible Institute (MBI) to ensure that all College services, activities, facilities and privileges are accessible to qualified persons with disabilities.

Reasonable accommodations will be made on an individualized basis. It is the responsibility of persons with disabilities, however, to seek available services and make their needs known to the Student Resource Center at Moody Bible Institute.

Students who believe they have a disability which might affect their academic performance at MBI and require accommodations or auxiliary aids and services, should visit the Student Resource Center to meet with the Assistant Dean to discuss possible accommodations.

Procedures for Accommodations:

Register with the Student Resource Center

Students should submit as much documentation of the disability as possible to the Assistant Dean, Student Resource Center (SRC). Documentation is kept as a confidential file in the SRC. Information from the file is only released with the student’s written consent in keeping with Institute policy. Download the SRC Disabilities Services Student Manual.

Below are some forms that may be helpful to you in submitting documentation and requesting accommodations: 

Documentation may include:

  • A standardized measure of general intelligence (i.e., WISC-III).
  • Results of academic achievement tests (i.e., Woodstock – Johnson Psycho Educational Battery Revised; Tests of Achievement, etc.).
  • Results of specialized testing in perceptual, processing, and motor skills, as appropriate.
  • A case history, including input from parents, teachers, previous records, and/or the student.
  • All diagnostic reports must include the names and titles of the evaluators as well as the date(s) of testing.
  • A description of any recommended accommodation(s). Moody will require some or all of the above at the student’s expense. There must be sufficient, competent evidence of a specific learning disability. Individual “learning styles” and “learning differences” in and of themselves do not constitute a learning disability. If necessary, a student can be referred to community agencies for comprehensive testing (at the cost/responsibility of the student).

Documentation should be directed to:

Allen Hammond,
Assistant Dean, Student Resource Center
820 N. LaSalle
Chicago, IL, 60610
Or, fax to (312) 329-4479

Contacting the Student:

If the documentation provided demonstrates a qualified disability requiring an accommodation, the SRC will contact the student to conduct an intake interview to determine what accommodations can be made.

Specific accommodations/services for all students with disabilities include:

  • Information about special test administration and classroom adaptations
  • Time extensions
  • Letters to instructors discussing classroom and testing accommodations
  • Referrals to Moody counseling services or outside counseling agencies
  • Advising and guidance on academic, social, and personal needs

The SRC will not provide any assistive devices of a personal nature (i.e., hearing aids). Disability information is considered confidential and will not automatically be provided to instructors. It is the student’s responsibility to request disability verification letters for each new semester or course. This request should be made to the respective campus disability coordinator. Upon request, letters of verification will be provided to students for them to present to their instructor. After a class begins, if the student finds that additional or different accommodations are needed, the student must contact the SRC as soon as possible to make appropriate changes. The SRC will remain a liaison between the student and the rest of the Institute’s community through the duration of the student’s enrollment.

Dispute Resolution:

If a student or faculty member disagrees with a proposed accommodation or feels that the accommodation is not being properly implemented, either party must:

  • Submit the dispute in writing to the Assistant Dean of SRC. The Assistant Dean will consult with the Dean of Students, the faculty member(s) involved, and the student to come up with an amicable solution. The solution will be put in writing and sent to all parties involved.
  • If this fails, the dissatisfied party can appeal any decision made by the first resolution by contacting the Dean of Students in writing requesting an appeal. The Dean of Students will make any final ruling with the best interests of the Institute and the student in mind.
  • Accommodations will be provided during the dispute process.

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